Definition of Sin What is the biblical definition of Sin. We
will break this down in great detail the correct understanding of
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Context ~ If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who
gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be
given to him" (James 1:5 NASB).
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6:1-4 is one of the most controversial passages in the Bible.
Did fallen angels (demons) have sexual relations with the daughters
of men in Genesis 6:4?”
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Do We Know The Bible Is The Word OF GOD? The New Testament documents
are actually very reliable historically.
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Christians, And The Law ~ Mathew 5:17-19 Does the scripture
say that Jesus did away with the law? What exactly did Jesus mean
by His comments on fulfilling the law in these somewhat difficult
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Hermeneutics: How To Interpret Your Bible (Part One)
by Thomas A.Howe ~ We must use sound principles of interpretation
in order to know what the Bible means. These sound principles of
interpretation are known as the grammatical-historical method.
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Hermeneutics: How To Interpret Your Bible (Part Two) by Thomas
A.Howe ~ Two factors affect how we interpret the Bible. They are
our preunderstanding and presuppositions and the principles of communication
and understanding.
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to Guide You Through Biblical Reliability: Manuscripts, Archaeology,
Prophecy, Statistics ~ Four basic principle chart your way to understanding
basic biblical reliability.
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Scriptura:Evangelical Protestants believe that Scripture alone
is the infallible rule of faith. Does the Bible make this claim
for itself?
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Of The Bible Manuscripts: Non-Christians, (skeptics like New
Agers or Mormons) claim that in the process of copying Scripture
the text of the Bible was corrupted. Is this really true?
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L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God: Literal Interpretation,
Illumination by the Holy Spirit, Grammatical Principles, Historical
Context, Teaching Ministry, Scriptural Harmony. Cultists in
particular consistently read their deviant theologies into the
biblical text instead of allowing the text to speak for itself.
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Mystery of Iniquity and the Man of Sin: For
certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked
out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of
our God into licentiousness and deny the only Lord God and our
Lord Jesus Christ' (Jude 4)
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the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Religions? During
the first half of the twentieth century, a number of liberal
authors and professors claimed that the New Testament teaching
about Jesus' death and resurrection, the New Birth, and the
Christian practices of baptism and the Lord's Supper were derived
from the pagan mystery religions.
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the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Philosophy? Many college
students still encounter outdated charges that first century
Christianity and the New Testament were heavily influenced by
pagan philosophical systems.
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Is Wisdom In Proverb 8? The Bible is viewed as literature.
There are, of course, liabilities to this popularized label
since in some circles it runs the risk of implying that the
Bible is only literature and therefore "devoid of the special
authority" that Christians ascribe to it as a religious
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For Any Bible Verse
"I Am The Alpha And Omega"
Says The Lord God,"Who is And Who Was And Who Is To Come,
The Almighty" Rev 1:8