Make A Online Secure Donation To The Truth Website

This website is an Online Ministry and is not supported by any local church or organization. Before considering making a online donation, please review my Statement of Faith to insure you are in agreement.

To make a donation you must be a current Pay Pal member or you can sign up for this free service. This is to protect you from internet fraud and Pay Pal has a secure website. Before clicking on the button below, I will review the steps that may take place during the donation process. If you are a Pay Pal member then you will be directed to their site for log on. Once logged on then you can proceed to make the donation.

If you don't have a Pay Pal account, you can still make a donation, but first you will be asked to create an account then proceed with the donation process. When purchasing or donating using a Pay Pal account, please review their security steps they have taken to protect the consumer. Also review The Truth Donation Goals. Thank you!



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"I Am The Alpha And Omega" Says The Lord God,"Who is And Who Was And Who Is To Come, The Almighty" Rev 1:8